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    Coffee Roasters

    Chimney systems especially designed for Coffee Roasters.

    Coffee Roasters

    Coffee roasters? Jeremias has the solution.


    The coffee sector, like the beer sector, is undergoing an evolution towards small companies that produce at the same place where it is consumed, reducing handling and transport, and increasing the quality of the product. Our city centres are filling up with coffee shops where coffee is roasted in view of the consumer in high quality small quantities.

    When installing a coffee roaster, it is important to work with specialists who understand roasters, the exhaust of the gases generated and the ventilation during roasting where the exhaust temperatures are much higher than typical factory-made modular chimney applications.


    There are devices that have a pyrolysis function and reach temperatures of over 1000° C. At these temperatures, traditional chimney systems collapse as they generally do not use specific high temperature resistant steel or insulation (as the standard working temperatures in usual applications are much lower).


    Jeremias works together with coffee roasters manufacturers and has created a specific system for this type of application with heat-resistant steel and double-layer insulation that not only ensures the smooth operation and longevity of the system, but also guarantees that the outside temperatures of the chimney pipe do not reach fire risk temperatures in the room. All this without breaking the aesthetics of the coffee shop, it can even be considered as another element of interior design, giving a certain industrial character, and enhancing the whole premises.



    Jeremias, an international industrial group, dedicated for more than 40 years to the evacuation and ventilation of combustion products, has more than 100 specific systems for each type of application. Contact us for any technical enquiry. We are specialists.

    25 years warranty!