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    Condensing boiler

    We offer you the ideal exhaust system for any application.

    Energy efficient and environmentally friendly

    The high efficiency of the condensating boilers results from the fact that heat produced in the condensation process is used to increase heat supply.  The exhaust gas are cooled well below 120ºC  hence the maximum condensate happens in chimney. The condensate then flows along the internal wall of the pressure-tight pipe, back to the boiler for disposal. The condensate is acidic and  decomposes base metals. Earlier used boiler and exhaust gas pipe material is hence not sufficiently corrosion resistant. The acid in the exhaust gas had to be neutralized through proper treatment.


    The exhaust gas in the condensing boilers cannot escape through the natural chimney draft. Therefore a blower pushes the exhaust gas through the pipes with a maximum pressure of 200 Pascal. The exhaust pope must be such that it is suitable for over pressure and at the same time not let the condensate or exhaust gas escape.


    Jeremias offers corrosion resistant exhaust systems made of stainless steel and polypropylene as pressure tight exhaust solutions for condensating boilers. Depending on the circumstances and planned air supply you can select the perfect chimney kit for your condensing boiler.


    Pressure-tight single-wall chimney

    Single wall, over pressure stainless steel chimney system with inner gaskets for condensing boilers.


    Pressure-tight flue system made out of stainless steel

    Single wall, over pressure stainless steel chimney system with inner gaskets for condensing boilers.


    Pressure-tight flexible flue system made out of stainless steel

    Single wall, over pressure stainless steel chimney system with inner gaskets for relining of chimneys with offset.


    Conically sealing flue system made out of stainless steel

    Single wall flue system with conical connection (no gasket needed!) for all standard fireplaces and CHP


    Pressurized flue system made out of plastic

    Single wall, high pressure flue system made of plastic (PP)


    Flexible pressurized flue system made out of plastic

    Single wall, flexible, high pressure flue system made of plastic (PP)


    Pressurized concentric connection pipe

    Concentric, pressure-tight connection exhaust system with plastic inner wall and electrolytically galvanised outer pipe for fireplaces in room air independent mode of operation


    Pressurized concentric flue system

    Concentric, pressurised flue system with plastic inner pipe and stainless steel outer pipe for fireplaces in room air independent mode of operation


    Pressure tight double wall flue system made of stainless steel

    Affordable alternative : pressure tight double wall stainless steel chimney system for oil/gas fireplaces 


    Pressure tight double wall flue system made of stainless steel

    The classical : pressure tight double wall stainless steel chimney for oil- and gas- fireplaces. 


    Metallic sealing double wall flue system made of stainless steel

    The allrounder: pressure tight double-wall stainless steel chimney with conical sealing connection

    25 years warranty!